OnTop OnTop Form1 Label1 Click the "Always On Top" button to make this form ALWAYS above any other form or application. (After clicking the button, try to drag another form or application on top of this form. They will always "fall" behind this form) Label2 This routine is good for making "floating" icon palletes, etc. By the way, if you like Visual Basic and you don't have verions 2.0 yet, you should get it. It is truly amazing! Command1 Always On Top Command2 Not On Top Command3 Command1_Click SetWindowPos frmmenus HWND_TOPMOST SWP_NOACTIVATE SWP_SHOWWINDOWs HWND_NOTOPMOST Command2_Click Form_Click Form1 ontop Command3_Click Label1_Click Screen Widthz Height @ Form_Load Command1_Click Command2_Click Command3_Click Form_Load Center form horizontally. Center form vertically.